Monday, July 30, 2012

Knittin' Crap: Ravelwhatsit Games, Day 3

Ravellenics cast on
Day 1:
Ravelwhatsit Day 1
Day 2:
Ravelthingie Day 2
Day 3:
Ravelmajig Day 2.5
Well, folks, we're past the 72-hour mark of the Ravelwhatsit Games, and after knitting my hands sore all weekend, I have finished most of the front piece of my pullover in the Sweater Triathlon event. The left shoulder area is all that remains. Note that in addition to knitting, I was also double- and triple-checking my alterations required for sizing up, which meant lots of fiddling with the measuring tape, counting stitches and rows, doing simple algebra, counting stitches and rows again, and squinting at the chart. I think they've worked out, although I'll be nervous about it until the sweater is done and I've pieced it together.

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