Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Knittin' Crap: SFAC June 2014

I only managed to turn in one mission for last month, and I didn't even manage to turn it in last month (it fell into a temporal rift and popped out a couple weeks later.) I'm already doing better for July, though. Stay tuned!

Command mission: Work with a partner to complete a project. Have a fellow officer help you choose a pattern to go with an orphaned yarn or recommend a yarn to go with a pattern you really like, then craft the cooperative project. Please state your partner officer in your post and explain how they helped you create the final project. This is a great mission for getting to know the officers on your ship.

My report:
Brioche scarf
For this mission, I teamed with Ensign Chibz, showing him a selection of appropriate-weight cabling and asking him to pick two which would be appropriate. I initially had my doubts when he seemed to like the lime green a little too much, but it worked out in the end.

Pattern by Nancy Marchant

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