Saturday, September 27, 2014

Knittin' Crap: SFAC August 2014

Command: Craft something that will make your job easier. A cushion for your chair? A shawl to keep the draft off in your office? A mug cozy to keep your hands comfortable while sipping a bottomless raktajino?Something that would make all that research I need to do easier would be…. The Internet.
The Internet
Medical: Continue your research on Phoenar plant life from earlier in this tour by determining whether it is edible for humanoids and what its nutritional value is. Is it a good source of vitamins and minerals? Is it poisonous to Andorians? Does it promote brain development in Vulcans? Do some tests to find out and finish your report on Phoenar plant life.) (Repair a project or finish a WIP.)The phloem of the Phoenar plants inspired me to finish this addition to my uniform:
At the beginning of the month:
Tactical: Assist the Tactical officers by crafting something to protect the ship or alert you if something goes wrong!When the ship’s alerting system goes off these headbands will constrict…. painfully. Very hard to miss.
Away Mission - 3-month-long projectI have received a secret communique from an agent from the Romulan government who has information that could be vital to future diplomatic relationships between his empire and the Federation. He wants me to meet him on Vino Prime, but his situation is so precarious that we cannot make actual verbal contact or be caught sending and receiving and transmissions. However, we should still be able to make visual contact, although because we will be under constant surveillance, messages must be hidden in plain sight. This special garment may look like a simple, repeating abstract design, but to the knowing eye, the design can carry secret messages. If my Romulan counterpart can find his own method of steganography, this mission could lead eventually to improved relations between the two governments.

Completed mission:
